YOU London partnered with Alleyn’s School in Dulwich to deliver a leadership development weekend for young people aged 15 to 17, encouraging them to “be all they can be”.
The challenges, run by the Met Police, London Fire Brigade, St John Ambulance, Army Cadet Training Team, Royal Air Force Air Cadet Engagement Team, Royal Navy, Alleyn’s CCF and Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land, included the execution of a search warrant, fire hose drills, first aid triage, a gun run, collaborative flight simulation, command tasks, virtual reality battle drills, and a STEM challenge.
The leadership weekend saw over 100 young people from nine different uniformed youth organisations and a number of high-ranking VIPs, flock to Alleyn’s for two days of inspiring speakers, practical challenges and theoretical discussion.
Military, industry and service guest speakers included Lib Peck, Director of the Mayor of London’s newly established Violence Reduction Unit; the Lord Lieutenant of Greater London Sir Kenneth Olisa OBE; endurance athlete Major (Ret’d) Sally Orange and Chris Grant, Chair of both the British Basketball Federation and English Football’s Integrated Coaching Board, and a member of the Financial Services Culture Board.
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